Doctoral School EEATS
Thesis Defense
Welcome to the EEATS Doctoral School
The doctoral school EEATS (ED EEATS for Ecole Doctorale Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique et Traitement du Signal) is a thematic doctoral school of the Grenoble area (including Chambéry et Valence). ED EEATS is one of the 13 doctoral schools of the Doctoral College of Université Grenoble Alpes.
ED EEATS gathers all the PhD students (more than 500) in Electrical Engineering. Its scientific périmeter is well defined by the thesis specialities :
- Automatic Control and Production Systems (Automatique-Productique (AP))
- Power Systems (Génie Electrique (GE))
- Nano Electronics and NanoTechnologies (Nano Electronique et Nano Technologies (NENT))
- Optics and Radiofrequencies (Optique-Radiofréquences (OR))
- Signal, Image, Speech and Telecommunications (Signal, Image, Parole, Télécom (SIPT))